Friday, January 27, 2006

Lessons In Ignorance

A small accident happened today. It happened to both, me and STELLAR.

He was overheating, and I don't seem to realize until it's about too late. 10 minutes too late I think.

And it was my mistake when I opened up the radiator a bit too early in the process of checking inside. The resulting steam blow the left side of my face quite heavily. Luckily it's relatively cooler than I thought it should be.

Even so, I worry more at STELLAR than my own self. Even so, I shouldn't worry about my own face, as no visible mark appears yet. But I fear the worst had happened to the engine.

I can start it. And it starts and came alive on all attempts. It only lost compression, thus I really hoped that only the gasket distorts, and nothing more.

I should have not ignored to top up the radiator water after his last long distance ride from Terengganu last week.

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